Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Margaret - landlady in England

Dearest Evy,
this came through to my Bulk Mail. Unfortunately, I can't open the file to see the beautiful flowers you may have sent to me.

I am sorry that you are not here to share the bluebells, I am often thinking of you. I think it is because I was expecting to see you here on my return and you are missing!

It's very late now, 12.30am, and I am feeling tired and have to get up early in the morning so will say good night and God bless you.

Lots of love to you x x x

"Marry in haste

Dearest Evy,
Thanks for your lovely phone call.I would be so grateful if you could send this text to Eun-ju another student friend [girl!!] in Korea. Just say "Happy Birthday Eun-ju! Much love from Dennis and Liz." Her mobile phone number is
[0] 16-754-8436 and you will have to put the code for Korea from taiwan first. From England it is 0082. In great haste and much love ,

Dennis and Elizabeth
PS. "Marry in haste, repent at leisure" was the saying I told you. So be careful with all men! I hope Victor may turn out to be Mr Right!

Much love ,Dennis and Elizabeth

Beloved Evy,

How sweet of you to send such a lovely parcel and such a wonderful card and photo. You seem to have made the card yourself. What a really delightful work of art and it is such a blessing to our hearts.I took quite a lot of photos and will try and send you three after shrinking them a bit. I hope next week that a neighbours young son will put in a CD writer for me and then perhaps I will send you a disc of photos in France and the wedding. Alternatively perhaps he could show me how to create a photo website, like Vicki's, for you to see the photos.

But I am a bit of as an old dog and it is hard for me to learn new tricks. Thank you for all the sweet thoughts on the card and it was lovely to have the family photograph with your dear granny. Please tell her I love and honour her for looking after you. I hope you had a happy time with your dad and that he is not so full of grief. Your sister looks charming and I hope will persevere in learning English.

Thank you for the biscuits and coffee asnd for such a kind thought in sending that! I am quite overwhelmed!The wedding day was lovely. My photos do not show the really bright bursts of sunshine. But not far away it rained all day,so God really was good to us in anwering our prayers for fine weather. The church service was lovely and I hope that in the future Rachel and David will develop a firm faith for themselves in Jesus.

It is the love of God in Christ that surrounds us whether we know it or not. But the great joy in human life is to come to know that love personally by believing in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us. They like their vicar and the church in Bennett Road. One of Rachel's best girl friends goes there, Sarah. and she played the organ with special wedding music which added so much to the occasion. Christopher played his guitar and another friend the keyboards, and Rachel's school friends made a little choir and sang some special music! We had photos taken outside the church and then in Upton Park.

We all went on about one hundred guests for a barbecue at the Courtyard Centre in Litchet Minster about 10 miles from Poole. We had the barn and a big tent and I made a successful and funny speech!! Lots of my family and David's family were there. The food was very good for the reception. On the tables were lovely sweet pea flowers which I had grown on my allotment and then in the evening we had about three hours of dancing, more food and plenty of drinks.

Only two of David's family got drunk, and his side rather like their booze, so all went well.Chris and his band played good dance music and we all stomped up and down even my big, bulky brothers. There were quite a lot of children and they all joined in the merriment. Agreat time was had by all. When the bridal couple went off to their hotel by taxi, the rain started at midnightt. We all packed up and went to bed about 1am. next day ,on the Sunday, all my side of the family about 25 came for s buffet lunch.

Elizabeth is very good at coping. We had one guest stay on till Thursday, so now we are having a quiet day.

Hyun-jeong should be in England with her sister.They may be seeing Winnie whi is somewhere in London and no doubt Jessica. We may see her towards the end of July and at the end of August. Yesterday I had a boisterois sail to Brownsea in strong winds and was glad to return in safety praying that God would keep the boat upright!!

Well, sweet one, keep going to church and reading and studying the Bible. I do hope that one day we may visit you in Taiwan, but please come and stay with us whenever you can!

Much love ,Dennis and Elizabeth
