Sunday, July 09, 2006


Dear Dennis and Elizabeth:
Congratulations for the new born baby!! Thanks a lot for the sweet pictures, your grandson Joshua looks so sweet and beautiful ,his just looks like his parents ,how lovely to have a baby in a family .Hope Rachel take care her body very well ,because she should be lost very much energy on her body, when she was in the process of procreation .
Recently ,I will change another job ,because ,my original working place is too far away from my house ,so as I concerned about waste too much time on traffic jam, I spent two houses on the car ,that I think to change another job is better for my life quality .
I am so pleased you are thinking to come to my country ,I suggest you might come on September to December, it will be nice weather and nice temperature for you to visit Taiwan .We live in Taipei city ,which is a capital city of Taiwan ,so it looks may be too many building ,but it around mountains also not too far to go to the beach .so it is nice place to live .If we want to go to mountains just 40munit by car or underground. Anyway ,let me look forward to your visit to my country ,and a big hug to welcome your visiting .^_^

Hope you have a good day with baby Joshua !!

Love from Evy xxx

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