Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dennis'स Holidays!

Dearest Evy,

We had a very happy five weeks in France going to Italy and back. We visited a girl cousin of mine who makes pots. Then the van had to have a repair but after that went perfectly. We went over the mountains into Italy and had a week of good weather by Lake Garda. From there we had a day trip into Venice which was full of ancient splendour and sunshine. We also went to Verona, city of Romeo and Juliette. We visited friends in Southern France and went to see the city of Lourdes which Roman Catholics believe is a place of healing. Then we headed slowly northwards enjoying the French camp sites and countryside. To end up with we visited the beaches of Normandy where on D-Day the allied armies landed to push the Germans out. We saw a lot of historical things on the trip. Now we are back looking after Joshua. Rachel is a bit worried over her pregnancy but all is OK up to now. Louise has a baby in early November so by Christmas we may have three grandchildren! I am glad you have contacted Eva and I hope she will be a happy mother. I am busy with the allotment, clearing weeds and digging up potatoes. We have had a spell of wet weather and I look forward to some hot sunshine and some sailing. I hnope you and Sean and Vito are well and all your family. I hope you keep interested in Jesus and Godly things and that you will read about Jesus in your Chinese Bible[New Testament]. Do you still have your Christian baby sitter. Christopher has been busy doing up his garden and planting some vegetables. He is going to Japan for two weeks in August. I may eventually get Skype and then we could see each other once in a while. My computer went wrong and I have lost most of my old photos including ones of you! Hyun –Jeong may be going to Shanghai for a few weeks and may come to France. Then she may be able to visit us in England again. You are both lovely girls!!

Much love,

Dennis and Elizabeth

PS the photos will give you a little idea of our life in France and Italy.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Dear Dennis and Elizabeth:
Congratulations for the new born baby!! Thanks a lot for the sweet pictures, your grandson Joshua looks so sweet and beautiful ,his just looks like his parents ,how lovely to have a baby in a family .Hope Rachel take care her body very well ,because she should be lost very much energy on her body, when she was in the process of procreation .
Recently ,I will change another job ,because ,my original working place is too far away from my house ,so as I concerned about waste too much time on traffic jam, I spent two houses on the car ,that I think to change another job is better for my life quality .
I am so pleased you are thinking to come to my country ,I suggest you might come on September to December, it will be nice weather and nice temperature for you to visit Taiwan .We live in Taipei city ,which is a capital city of Taiwan ,so it looks may be too many building ,but it around mountains also not too far to go to the beach .so it is nice place to live .If we want to go to mountains just 40munit by car or underground. Anyway ,let me look forward to your visit to my country ,and a big hug to welcome your visiting .^_^

Hope you have a good day with baby Joshua !!

Love from Evy xxx

Monday, March 27, 2006


明明問ㄉ是你ㄉ班機幾點會到 阿你都牽拖東牽拖西ㄉ
啥你ㄉVisa要到期ㄌ你要去延Visa 啥你還沒決定你要在哪裡買機票-_-"
不就是班機ㄉ時間嘛 你就上網查不就得ㄌ
要是查不到 還可以問人嘛(不然你可以決阿亮唱ㄉ歌 還可以問神~~~)
你喜歡半夜一兩點出發嗎? 有人喜歡凌晨三四點接你嗎?
對嘛 要先搞清楚ㄉ是這ㄍ嘛 -_-" 再來就是價格呀
有ㄉ比較貴 有ㄉ比較便宜 你到底要做哪一家呢?
有ㄉ來回才一兩萬台幣 有ㄉ卻開價三四萬台幣
你不會先比價 比時間 比看看轉機次數(你沒聽企鵝說過他為ㄌ省錢買那種先美國跑半圈再肥到台灣ㄉ機票嗎)
阿 最後你就說你因為肚子餓ㄌ才開始Evyㄉ -_-(這次是三條線 比較長ㄉ線)
哇哩咧~~ 要先靜下心來 好好思考嘛~~
英文不好沒關係 努力一點就好ㄌ嘛 但是也不要太沒Sense嘛
偶第一次出國也沒這樣ㄉ咧 因為偶會先思考要怎ㄇ處理事情ㄉ
你不知道價格怎ㄇ先訂機票ㄋ 你不知道時間怎ㄇ坐飛機ㄋ

還有一點 忘ㄌ跟你說 (昨天被你Evyㄌ一ㄍ晚上被你傳染到ㄉ)
最重要ㄉ 是 你要先確定有沒有位子 你知道偶要定位都怎ㄇ說ㄉ嗎
首先是問Agent(當時沒網路訂位)大概是幾月幾號附近有沒有位子 有哪些航空公司
然後價格各是多少 有沒有要那種先到香港 或是地球多跑半圈再肥到台灣ㄉ
要是你不知道這些ㄉ你還可以問同鞋呀~~ 看看你ㄉ同鞋怎ㄇ肥家ㄉ呢?
還有你也知道所有行班都有限重ㄉ規定 有ㄉ比較多 有ㄉ比較少
嗯 跟你說ㄌ那ㄇ多 重點是不要太Evy 還有就是~~ 多思考一下嘛(免ㄉ每次跟你談話 都要出現-_-"ㄉ符號)

Ron L

To Dennis and Elizabeth

Dear Dennis and Elizabeth :
How lovely you are going on holiday, we hope you and Elizabeth have a enjoyable time in Spain .Also, thank you so much for that dinner, and the interesting small concert in your house, which was such a good time and lovely music for us, with the lovely Christian songs, we all enjoyed that.
Recently, I am cataloguing some English words ,and try to remember it ,also to brush up some old words as well .and reading some novel, on the other hand about my English writing ,it is very bad , I have no idea with it ,but when I told my boyfriend ,and he would like to help me ,he suggested me to write a English letter to him everyday, by the way ,he also correct it ,and otherwise when I with Vicky work in the nursing home ,we met an old men, he was a English teacher in the primary school ,now he retired, and he said ,he would like to help us about our English learning, I am so happy have the private teacher in here and Taiwan ,with that ,I hope my English writing can improve a lot .In addition when we go to the nursing home for work every day ,after that we go around the Poole by bicycle , because ,before Vicky haven’t been to Poole park and Poole harbor, so I recommend her to visited there, where we had lovely time in Poole ,and happy work in Poole as well. when I fished the first work in the morning, next work everyday, we have to cycling about 1 hour to Poole, it was very far a way, but I can only say that was for us to do some excise in the lovely morning, by the way it can lose some weight. At the next work, we have to go to nursing house, work about 3 hours, and as a cleaner, I am glad, I talked with a lot of English old people, and every old man or women, whose room of the decoration and the furniture are very traditional English classic style, also, everything are very tidy, every room is very special of themselves style, that is seems to narrate the story of their plentiful life of the past, I am pleased, I had this chance to know them and got some valuable experience from them.

I with Florence tried to make a bread yesterday, that was pretty nice, not so bad ,and that was very interesting for time we will try another interesting food. Ccc^__________*

To your good hearth , and happiness Yours truly
Evy 2003.01.19

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dearest Evy,

Thank you for your emails, with calendars and the earlier one telling of your busy life with Vito and how a nice Christian lady looks after your baby son Sean! I am glad you like the songs. I hope she can teach you some Christmas Carols like Silent Night in Taiwanese! I remember trying to learn “Yes, Jesus loves me” with you. Christopher has come back from the USA. He has got bad jet-lag and is not sleeping very well, always waking up too early! We went to help him with his house which needs a lot of tidying. He has one boy and two sweet girls staying with him as lodgers. I made some shelves for all his records which he uses for D-J-ing at nightclubs. Maybe ,our elder daughter Rachel is pregnant so I could be a granddad next year! We wait for confirmation. Louise and her new husband Rick will stay with us for Christmas and then they go travelling on January 17th to India, Nepal, Hong-Kong, China [ and will go where I was born, Lanzou] and on to Australia and New Zealand. We are getting ready for Christmas, putting up decorations, getting the food and next week we go Carol Singing starting with Compton Acres Gardens followed by visits to Nursing Homes to sing to the old people. There will be lots on at church. I hope you will see your family and have a happy time, but maybe that will be at Chinese New Year. I was very pleased to hear about Angel, to know she is expecting a baby and that she is happily married in Poland. What a big change for her!

We pray that God will keep you all safe and that perhaps you may think on Jesus at this Christmas time. We say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It is a bit early but life is very busy! You write your emails so well, you have not forgotten your English. Well done, well done!

Much love,

Dennis and Elizabeth

Dear Dennis and Elizabeth:  How nice to hear you ,I was thinking that you might go out for a while ,ha…that’s right ,you went to America. this was good .So happy to hear that .you always go travel .
Me with Vito are so busy ,work at 9:00am to 6:00pm,and then drive car 40 minute to go to pick up my son from the babysitter’s home , And then cook dinner .when all these done ,that will be at 9:00pm ,this is Taiwanese life style.
On Saturday and Sunday ,we rarely go out ,because now we have a baby ,but stay at home with him ,it is a fun. We love it .
One thing to share with you ,that our babysitter ,who is also a Christian, she is a lovely lady ,look after my son so carefully ,I am so appreciate her. she gave me some songs about Taiwanese children ,they sing about Jesus Christ. that was a lovely song ,my son has listen it . Did you remember Angle ,she is having baby now ,and she was married to a Polish guy ,they are living in Poland .^_______^
Yours truly,

Evy and Vito xxx

We were in America, Washington DC

Dearest Evy,

I have had a number of photo emails from you for which many thanks. It is good to keep in touch and to know you are still there. I hope you, Vito and baby Sean are well. We were in America, Washington DC for the last half of October. We went to a friend’s wedding. She was English and she married a nice American. We also had some good times sightseeing, especially the Space Museum. Now the weather is much colder and I am going to the allotment to do some weeding and clearing up. My computer went wrong and it has taken a long time to get it right. I wish you were here to help me. I hope it will send you this email. I must write to Hyun-jeong soon.

Much love,

Dennis and Elizabeth

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Re your itinerary!

Dearest Evy,

How happy we are for you and we look forward to you coming with Vito. Will you be married before you come? You must let us know the day so that we can be with you in spirit!! Now I will meet you both at Bournemouth Airport when you fly down from Edinburgh and we will get you to the coach for London Airport on the 15th when you fly home. You have given us a big and happy surprise and we are full of excitement!!
All of Heaven’s blessings on you both,
Dennis and Elizabeth

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Re parcel!

16 April 2005 09:09

Your lovely parcel arrived yesterday! What a wonderful surprise! We enjoyed the sweets and the biscuits, especially the musical box, playing the Wedding March. Then all the lovely photos of you and Vito. So they will go up on the mantel shelf above the fire. I enjoyed the scan pictures of your baby and we pray often for your health and the baby’s safety. He/she will truly be a gift from God and the reason for great joy among us all. May you and Vito be greatly blessed in the coming days!

With love,

Dennis and Elizabeth

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The lady Margaret


God bless you and keep following Jesus

Dearest Evy,

Thank you for your text message. I am hoping my computer is working. Thank you for your Christmas email which I received. We are looking forward to seeing you with Vito and hope you won’t get too cold when you come in February. We shall be in Tenerife, Spain until the 11th Feb I think but it will be lovely to have you both stay with us on 13th and 14th. I sent an email to Winnie which I hope has reached her, just to find out where she is and what she is doing.

God bless you and keep following Jesus, the Good Shepherd,

Much love,

Dennis and Elizabeth